
What Did I Just Read?? A Reading Comprehension Workshop
• for parents and educators •


Reading comprehension is often a struggle for students. It was for me. One week before my first year as a teacher, I attended a workshop on this topic. Although I was there to help my students, I gleaned much for myself as a reader. I embraced the explicit instruction of reading comprehension strategies, and it has served my students immensely! I have seen its impact in 4 year olds and 14 year olds. This content will benefit readers for years to come.

The comprehension strategy language I present includes: visualizing, predicting, connecting, questioning, inferring, synthesizing, and summarizing.

I will present the strategies through the following methods:

  1. Defining the strategy with a corresponding visual and body movement.
  2. Providing a list of critical thinking questions one could ask to target that specific strategy, perfect for classical instruction.
  3. Modeling a lesson that would introduce the strategy to children. I include several mnemonic devises to promote memory in these lessons.

I offer my workshops quarterly, limiting the group to 20 people each time. My lesson plans, comprehension posters, and children’s books are sold at a discount to attendees.

The next workshop will be offered in early 2018.